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Friday, January 7, 2011

SQL Server CTE Basics

The very good article written about the CTE in SQL server. I found it very useful so I thought to share it with you.

Efficient Text Searching Query

Normally when you want to write a query for searching something then you use the like operator. Consider for example that you want to write an algorithm for book search. Consider a situation where you ask BOOK TITLE from the user and then user enter the title the you write query something like this


Now what if you want that if user write some title then your query perform above operations and if user write nothing , leave the field empty then you want to show all the books available in your system, so here is the query which will perform the same operation

          ((@title IS NULL) OR (@title = ‘’) OR ([TITLE] LIKE '%'+@title+'%'))

Now when you will enter some string then last part of the query will be executed and if you enter nothing then first part of the query will be executed.